The Cycle of Violence Infographic (see above) illustrates how intimate partner violence (IPV) often goes in a somewhat predictable cycle.
1) Tension Builds - In this phase stress and tension from daily life and other conflicts begins to increase. The victim may attempt to reduce the tension by doing what the abuser wants.
2) Abusive Incident - Some type of abuse occurs (see types of abuse Blog).
3) Honeymoon Phase - The abuser apologizes for the abusive incident and may show remorse. The abuser may shower the victim with affection or gifts. The abuser promises that it will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
4) Calm - The relationship enters a phase of calm where there is little to no abuse. The abuser may try to make up for the abusive incident or ask for forgiveness. AND THEN IT STARTS OVER AGAIN!
Many abusive relationships follow this type of pattern and the cycle continues to repeat itself. Some survivors of domestic violence have said that this pattern occurred more in the beginning and after a while the relationship felt more like a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs. The only way to end the cycle is to BREAK IT!
If you want to learn more about this cycle and how ties into IPV relationships I am doing a live 2-hour online workshop Monday November 25th from 6 to 8PM. This workshop also discusses the factors underlying abusive relationships and the types of abuse.
If you're interested in attending this workshop please click on the Register Button in the Header.